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Month: July, 2012

Dying Early

“Mom,” Kyla wept, “Two kids died at camp today.”

As I sat in the booth, Jill answered her phone and listened to her daughter’s distraught report.  Michele and I could hear Kyla’s hysterical cries, echoed by Jill’s translation.   They had drowned in the water, near the falls, in Tygh Valley, Oregon.

My first gasp was, “Don’t look at me, Jill.”  As her wide eyes repeated the report, blow by blow,  I choked on my already swallowed taco, terrified that it might be one of my children.  The relief that it was not was only momentary, as I thought of two dear young men, gone for the rest of our lives.

Over the next few hours we sat in the booth at “Muchas Gracia” reading text messages and taking phone calls, praying and crying for our precious friends at summer camp. We watched as the news broke on Facebook. The staff worker had seen the younger boy struggling in the water,  and followed him in to save him.  And then they both were gone.

The two that died were not from my church, but they are ours.  My daughter knows these families.  Kyla went to church with one of them. They are the image of the sweet, obnoxious young people we laugh with, chide, mentor, and love. It could have been Ian, or David, or Tim, or Mathias, or Jay, or my own sons, Richard and Samuel.

Mourning tears on my pillow made me think of the months of grieving ahead for two families. My first thoughts were of them as I awoke.  My blood feels fueled today, by grief, and by that “fierce commitment to the very best” for my own children.

We quibble over now trivial issues. The priceless value of each life is now foremost. I will love more, and better, because of this reminder.  Until I forget. “Lord God, let me not forget,” is one of today’s many prayers.

And I will think of Heaven.  We are all dying; just not so early for most of us.  Reports tell me that these two boys were men of faith. Yesterday afternoon they moved from being a student and a twenty-something, laughing near the water, to worshiping at the throne of God.  Soon, very soon, we will all have opportunity to follow.

As I think about eternity today, my heart turns to the ones I love, my friends and family, to those God has placed in my life.  Have you started to fulfill your ultimate purpose?  Are you loving God and enjoying Him, here?  On earth?  It is the tuning up for that heavenly choir.  It is the transformation of our hearts by Jesus, here on this shadow of Heaven that we call earth.

The Creator designed us to be part of His family, His purpose, His kingdom.  The journey starts here, and will someday be celebrated in Heaven.  Two dear boys had begun that transformation, dedicating their path to a Savior.  Yesterday they arrived to a joyful welcome, in the place for which we all were created.

It was early. Are you ready?

Who’d Like a Friend?

“I know I chatter on far too much, but if you only knew how many things I want to say and don’t, you’d give me some credit.” –Anne (Anne 1, Pt. 2)  in “Anne of Green Gables”

Some of us were born with extra words.  They zip around in our brains as we try to doze off at night, and they are jumping up and down with irritating energy in the morning.  My mom tells me that I waited until 16 months to walk, content to verbalize my needs. The Female Brain reports that women speak about 20,000 words a day, while men use only 7,000.  Somedays, especially after a fine cup of coffee, I think I must have 40,000.

So, what to do with all of those ideas and quips buzzing through my head?  I’ve overstretched my Facebook quota.  It’s time to BLOG!

The great conversation awaits.  I have so much to say in so many delicious categories,  sex, politics, and religion being special favorites. With a blog, folks can choose to listen, or not.  I will seek to protect the privacy of my family, but share my heart.

If you are looking for a friendly place to visit.  Sign on with me.  I have things to share, and I’m sure you have a word or two to add.  Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “As iron sharpens ironso one man sharpens another.” May the things I write here make you think, encourage you, keep you company, and give you hope.