Revamped Bucket List

Image result for ireland landscape

I’ve dreamed of going to Ireland, to listen to the brogue, to savor the scones, to see the green rolling landscape, bare and brave; maybe write a limerick or two. The Great Wall of China and the skeleton mountains have also intrigued me, along with the thought of delicious, authentic Szechuan. Still haven’t been to D.C. at cherry blossom time. Banff in Canada sparkles with distant blue beauty. Chances are good I won’t travel to any of these destinations.

Bucket lists may abound in our busy, long lives, but when the specter of finality arises, these are refined.

Now, clearly, the most important distance is half-an-hour, into Vancouver to see Baby Tully and bask in his grins. To drive to Seattle to visit Anna and Ryan as they labor through medical school. To rise early for a breakfast date and encouragement over coffee. To brave the rainy night and head down the hill for Wednesday night Grow Group, share and prayer with my 12 best ladies. The ultimate road trip is to the Northwest Beach, to walk the sand barefoot, arm-in-arm with my dear ones.

“What to do with the time left?”

This has been my question lately. Not because I feel that the days are short, but perhaps the years are. We are all here only for a season, and this inspires me to ask, “What does the Wisest One in the Universe say about how to prioritize my time?” It’s worth some contemplation. You think, too….

It’s a daunting question. Perhaps there is some big unfinished work you still have, but as I ponder and ask those I cherish, the unanimous answer has been to spend time with those we love. Invest in care and conversation, creating good memories. Clear the air of any shadows, to the best of one’s ability. These are the small BIG things. These are the treasured times.

Another close friend said that she’d think about the content of her conversations. More about Jesus and His message, sharing the importance of the good news with those who were close to her. Can I just do that right now? Do you have ears to hear what it really means to follow Christ and be “Heaven-ready?”

Jesus left no room for half-hearted disciples.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” Matthew 16:24-26

So, He wants all of you, heart, soul, body. In return, you gain forgiveness, Heaven, comfort, guidance, strength, joy, and so much more. We all need to have the sin that separates us from God removed. Jesus’ death on the cross was the amazing payment for all the wrongs of humanity, including yours and mine. Embracing Him and His forgiveness and grace sets you on a lifelong path of following the greatest One who ever walked the earth. Take time to study and contemplate this possibility for yourself. There is so much more to life than what we can touch or see.

It’s a journey that I’ve been on for most of my years, and God is still working to shape my character, my attitude, my beliefs, my heart.

As I continue to mull over the purpose of life, one more bit of guidance comes from scripture, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

Until I am done, this is the simple, hard call. My humility is lacking, as is my mercy, but as I walk with God, He continues to teach me. What a privilege! He’s not done remodeling my sketchy character. May I find purpose in discovering concrete ways to promote justice in this world, to love with deep compassion and without falseness, to focus not on myself, but on others. To honor God, finding forgiveness when I fail.

Loving God and loving people. These are the things that matter most.

Or, as the Irish in me might say: (Be prepared for corny.)

“There once was a gal who loved travlin’,

But then found her health unravelin’,

She learned what was better,

Sending all folks that met her,

To the road less traveled, she’s gravelin’.”

Image result for Chinese mountains